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A quick guide to all of the topics on Ohio Legal Help.
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On this Page
Click on a legal topic to navigate down the page to find more information.
- Family (Information on divorce, dissolution, legal separation, domestic violence, custody and kinship care)
- Housing (Information on security deposits, landlords, utilities, evictions, repairs, foreclosure, subsidized housing and mobile homes)
- Money and Debt (Information on debt, creditors, garnishment, bankruptcy, fraud and taxes)
- Public Benefits (Information on SNAP, OWF, WIC, SSI, Medicaid and unemployment benefits)
- Education (Information on special education services, IEPs, 504 Plans, bullying and discrimination, school for homeless students and school discipline)
- Immigration (Information on naturalization, green cards, work permits, visas, DACA and immigration enforcement)
- Seniors (Information on estate planning, wills and kinship care)
- Foster Youth (Information on rights in care, rights in court, transitioning out of care, child welfare cases, name changes, vital records and sealing juvenile records)
- Veterans and Servicemembers (Information on veterans benefits)
- Crime and Traffic (Information on criminal sealing, understanding criminal and traffic cases, and driver's license amnesty)
- Going to Court (Information on courts, mediation, negotiation, judges, hearings, evidence and witnesses)
- Letters and Forms (Fillable .pdfs and step by step interviews to help you find and complete your forms)
Legal Topics
Information on divorce, dissolution, legal separation, domestic violence and custody.
- Dealing with domestic violence and abuse
- Reporting child abuse or neglect
- Filing for dissolution
- Filing an answer to divorce
- Divorce, dissolution or separation
- Filing for divorce when you have children
- Filing for divorce without children
- Changing a custody order
- Changing a parenting time order
- Changing a child support order
- Domestic and dating violence civil protection orders
- Juvenile civil protection orders
- Protection orders in Ohio
- Non-parent custody
- Legal information for kinship caregivers
- Abuse, neglect and dependency cases for kinship caregivers
Information on security deposits, landlords, utilities, evictions, repairs, foreclosure, subsidized housing and mobile homes.
- Ohio landlord tenant law
- Getting your security deposit back
- Moving out before the end of your lease
- Getting your landlord to make repairs
- Getting evicted from subsidized housing
- Eviction
- Second cause eviction
- Landlord lock outs and utility shut offs
- Foreclosure
- Getting behind on your property taxes
- Tax foreclosure
- Fair housing in Ohio
- Utility bill assistance
Money and Debt
Information on debt, creditors, garnishment, bankruptcy, fraud and taxes.
- Bank account attachment
- Fighting a debt collection lawsuit
- Understanding bankruptcy and your options
- Managing your debt
- Wage garnishment
- Stopping contact from debt collectors and disputing debt
- Identity theft
- Protecting yourself from consumer fraud
- Earned Income Tax Credit
- Tax filing scams
- Child Tax Credit
- Fast tax refunds
- COVID stimulus checks
- Repaying student loans
- Employment law in Ohio
Health and Public Benefits
Information on SNAP, OWF, WIC, SSI, Medicaid and unemployment benefits.
- Ohio's public benefits
- Cash assistance through Ohio Works First
- Social Security disability programs
- Food stamps and assistance
- WIC for women and children
- Medicaid
- Unemployment benefits
- Accessing mental health services in Ohio
- Mental health hospitalization and your rights
- Declaration for Mental Health Treatment
- Patient rights at a psychiatric hospital
Information on special education services, IEPs, 504 Plans, bullying and discrimination, school for homeless students and school discipline.
Information on naturalization, green cards, work permits, visas, DACA and immigration enforcement.
- Naturalization
- Getting a work permit
- Getting a green card
- DACA and TPS
- Humanitarian paths to immigration status
- ICE, police, detention and deportation
- Family preparation planning for immigration emergencies
- Finding an immigration lawyer
- Resources for Ukrainians in Ohio
- Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Ukraine
- Ukrainian Humanitarian Parole (UHP through U4U)
Information on estate planning, wills and kinship care.
- Wills and estates
- Summary release from administration
- Transfer on death for homes
- Transfer on death for cars
- Advance directives
- Financial Power of Attorney
- Kinship care of your grandchildren
Foster Youth
(Information on rights in care, rights in court, transitioning out of care, child welfare cases, name changes, vital records and sealing juvenile records)
- Legal information for foster youth
- Foster Youth Bill of Rights
- Your rights in court
- Aging out of foster care
- Youth Ombudsman
- Child welfare investigations
- Changing your legal name
- Getting copies of vital records
- Sealing and expunging juvenile records
Information on veterans benefits.
Crime and Traffic
Information on understanding criminal and traffic cases, and driver's license amnesty.
- Understanding criminal cases
- Understanding traffic cases
- Ohio's expedited pardon program
- Driver's license reinstatement fee amnesty / reduction
- How to seal a criminal record
Going to Court
Information on courts, mediation, negotiation, judges, hearings, evidence and witnesses.
Fillable .pdfs and step by step interviews to help you find and complete your forms.
Fillable .pdfs
Download and complete the forms you need.
- Motion for custody change
- Motion for parenting time change
- Motion for child support modification
- Petition for juvenile civil protection orders
- Second cause eviction: Answer
- Second cause eviction: Answer and counterclaim
- Foreclosure: Answer
- Tax foreclosure: Answer
- Rent escrow application: Franklin County
- Rent escrow application: Hamilton County
- Rent escrow application: Montgomery County
- Rent escrow application: Lucas County
- Living will
- Healthcare power of attorney
- Financial power of attorney
- Financial power of attorney revocation
- Real estate transfer on death
- Vehicle transfer on death
- Grandparent power of attorney
- Caretaker authorization affidavit
Money and Debt
Form Assistants
Use our step-by-step interviews to find and complete the forms you need.
Going to Court
- Divorce with kids
- Divorce without kids
- Dissolution
- Divorce: answer
- Domestic violence and dating violence civil protection order
- Non-parent custody
- School letter: Request special education evaluation
- School letter: Request 504 Plan
- School letter: Report bullying and discrimination