Blog + News
Reflecting on Our Fifth Year: Expanding Access to Justice for All
Executive Director Susan Choe reflects on the last five years and how Ohio Legal Help has expanded access to justice for all Ohioans.
New tool provides greater access to legal help
The Virtual Self-Help Center seamlessly integrates with the Court’s Navigation Services Help Center to provide accessible chat and live support for users at every step of their journey in matters before the Court.
Cuyahoga Co Domestic Relations Court Launches Virtual Help Center
The Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court, in partnership with Ohio Legal Help, developed a virtual help center to make going to court a little easier and a lot less daunting for self-represented litigants.
Ohio Legal Help 2023 Impact Report
In 2023, Ohio Legal Help served 772,082 families as we worked to fulfill our mission of increasing access to the civil justice system. Check out the 2023 Impact Report.
New online tool helps Ohio victims obtain civil protection order
An Ohio nonprofit has created a tool to assist victims of stalking or sexual violence with getting a civil protection order from the courts.
New online tool tells you how to get a protection order in Ohio
Victims of stalking or sexual violence in Ohio now have a new tool to walk them through how to get a civil protection order from the courts.
Online Tool Helps Victims Obtain Protection Orders
Victims of stalking and sexually oriented offenses have a new way to find step-by-step guidance for securing a civil protection order.
Ohio Legal Help Launches Stalking CPO Form Assistant
The stalking and sexually oriented offense protection order tool on was developed in partnership with the Supreme Court of Ohio through a Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) grant.
Legally Informed: Class-Action Lawsuits and Settlements
If you receive a letter or email inviting you to join a class-action lawsuit to receive a settlement, you may have questions and wonder what to do next. This blog answers some common questions about class-action lawsuits and settlements.
Women's History Month
March is Women’s History Month, and this year we asked our Board, Advisory Committee, and team members to tell us what it means to them.